After hearing the report of the fight, the 3rd Battalion of the former 557th Regiment chose to suppress the incident and sent company-level officers to control the situation. However, when they heard about the route, they sent two or three hundred men to beat their own soldiers, and the 3rd Battalion commander came.

"It’s not so bullying to be a fucking bully!" Three battalion commander snapped scold a way "command troops to give me close to do with them! I don’t believe it anymore. You hit my watchtower and sent soldiers over to make trouble. Finally, you can throw the pot at us? !”
Bitterness between the two sides has accumulated in the past few days. The third battalion commander reached this order, and the deputy battalion commander and several company commanders also responded positively and immediately rushed to the scene of the conflict with their troops.
However, there is one thing that neither of the two sides thought about moving guns during the fight. Because the nature of the fist fight is not serious, even if someone accidentally kills the other soldier during the conflict, the most is that the fight is out of control and the management officer will be held accountable for the accidental killing.
But it’s another nature to officially fire friendly troops. Even if no one is killed in the fire, it’s also an armed conflict if the gun is pointed at the other party’s fire. The core personnel will be investigated to see if they are suspected of being rebelled and deliberately provoking a military conflict
It is precisely because of such complicated factors that people here in Sichuan Province dare not hug the fire, but they are in passive participation in the war, which is more unreasonable for the soldiers and officers of the 557 th regiment to take the initiative to take responsibility for themselves.
All the conflicts between the two sides are limited to the limbs and they are all dirty. Some people besiege one who also has buttoned eyes and put clothes on the other side’s head. On the surface, the conflict between the two sides is more like a farce after the humbling mood is released.
Seven military vehicles from Zhang Da Tuan are on their way to the conflict site.
Che Wufeng shouted with words in his heart, "Did the people in Chuanfu retreat?"
"No one is getting more and more."
"Is it on fire?" Wu fengwen
"There’s no fire, but it’s messed up. They tore down all our garrisoned tents and even beat the chef in the kitchen …"
"Fuck them!" Wu Feng gnashed her teeth and scolded, "I’m not afraid of him even if I fucking start a lawsuit."
Wu Feng, who has always been calm, has been a bit rude at the moment. After hanging up the phone, he kept urging the driver to "hurry up!"
Che Huo Ran frowned and asked Wu Feng, "What’s the point of them doing this?"
"I don’t know. You keep harassing us and then you dare not play house with children …"
The words sound just fell on the road and suddenly a gun went up on the road ahead. The front wheel on the left side of the off-road vehicle was directly blasted, and even the hub was blasted out of a gap.
Wu Feng was briefly stunned. "It’s a sniper rifle!"
Quickly smell also twist a head to look to the outside, see several figures in the wilderness raised weapons like RPG.
"Avoid avoiding!"
The co-pilot guard officer immediately yelled.
With this sentence, there was a sharp gas explosion in the wilderness. Seven RPGs were directly ejected and hit the front road team.
The warhead exploded in the middle, and the density was extremely high. The white phosphorus powder spread and covered the whole convoy in almost two seconds.
In the snow, Xiao Liu, wearing a black special face and a gas mask, ran and shouted, "Xiaohui, don’t move with that person yet. Others will attack the team as planned."
"Roger that!"
"Roger that!"
The intercom responded instantly.
Around the highway, about 30 people quickly ran to the phosphorus powder covered area by themselves.
Just two breaths, an SUV rushed out of the phosphorus powder area and tried to speed up the escape.
Not far away, the sniper on the slightly higher ground instantly caught fire.
Three shots were fired and rushed out. Two tires on the left side of the off-road vehicle were blown off, and the body lost control and crossed the road on the spot.
The car behind didn’t slow down and couldn’t see clearly where the road outside the phosphorus powder area was. During the impact, it hit the car parked obliquely in front of the road.
After the two cars collided, it caused a series of car accidents. The army rushed out from behind and hit the front car one after another.
On the hillside, Fu Zhen squatted on the ground and looked at the road with a telescope. He turned his head and shouted at Lao Zhan and said, "Mom can’t leave a trace or the opposite side will seize the evidence and the area will definitely blow up."
"I’ll go, too." Although Lao Zhan is willing to bicker with Fu Zhen and them, he still knows very well what he should do at the key moment.
Say that finish old Zhan got up and took three people directly into the crossfire area.
Wu Feng coughed and rushed to the SUV and bowed his head and shouted, "His mother is coming at me and going out first without pestering them."
The words sound just fell and Xiao Liu rushed in with four people and just hit Huo Ran, who just wanted a car.

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